Thank you AFD for saving our home

To the editor:

Many, many thanks to the Attleboro Fire Department for their prompt response to a near electrical disaster in our home.

Just after midnight on July 11, we lost all power to our home. The electrical burn smell from our panel was overpowering. They arrived in minutes, determined the source of the issue, and shut down electrical service to our home. Our home is still standing, and more importantly, we (and our dogs) are still alive thanks to their timely response.

I would also add a plea to all homeowners to have their electrical panels inspected regularly (perhaps every two years) for any loose circuits. In the 30-plus years we have lived in this home, that has never been done. Our issue was a loose circuit breaker/breakers that created an electrical arc that started the burn. This could have been devastating for us and yet was ultimately preventable with some routine maintenance that we were never aware of. Please, please check your panels.

Bradford and Beverly Germain
